Friday, August 1, 2008

It's Opening Day!!!

Well, it has finally arrived. Please go on over to the store and take a look at everything we have for you. Truly one of the finest collections of heritage scrap digital art you will find anywhere.

Everyone associated with this endeavor has worked so incredibly hard. I am putting together a thank you list to post on the site. It is truly a village when setting up a site.

So, without further delay, Ladies & Gents - here is she is: Heritage Scrap


Little Cottage said...

Dear Kate,
I love your new store and I'm also a big fan of your design!
Hopefully you will get some time to create some more "goodies".....
Best wishes for a successful adventure,

Cheryl said...

Congratulations! I wish you well!

Heritage Scrap Designs by Kate McClellan

My Layout Artistry